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Simulations of Turbulent Spots and Wedges over Textured Surfaces

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Turbulent spots are arrowhead shaped pockets of turbulent that form in the late stages of laminar to turbulent transition process (red circle in the schematic below). These spots increase in size as they travel downstream and form fully turbulent flow as they merge together. My research is looking at the formation and growth mechanisms of turbulent spot as well as interactions of millimeter scale surface textures with spots. If laminar to turbulent transition can be delayed using surface textures, then drag could be reduced.

The simulations are done using a channel flow spectral DNS code modified with immersed boundary to allow for boundary layer simulations. Rex ranges from about 524,000 to 675,000.



Turbulent wedge visualized by both iso-surface of swirling strength (pink) and iso-surface of streamwise velocity colored by distance from the bottom wall. There is a strong correlation between low-speed streaks and hairpin structures. In particular, the low-speed streaks along the outer edge of the wedge are much more prominent than in the center of the wedge. This prominent low-speed streak may an integral part of the spreading process.|AUP9brvsqSY
Turbulent wedge visualized by iso-surface of swirling strength colored by streamwise velocity. Several common features between turbulent wedges and spots can be observed. They both consist of ‘forests’ of hairpin coherent structure. They both spread in the spanwise direction as the turbulent region moves downstream. There is strong possibility that turbulent wedge and turbulent spot spreading mechanisms are very similar.|AfXMVYStEVA

Simulating the Atmosphere of Jupiter’s Moon Io

Contours of SO2 surface frost fraction over Io’s surface from Galileo NIMS observations. SO2 frost is omnipresent over Io’s surface but is concentrated in large patches at mid-latitudes.|cC0AzpPKp9Q
Snapshots of Io’s atmosphere at ~20 minute intervals starting ~2.5 hours prior to eclipse. Circumplanetary flow develops due to the day-to-night pressure gradient. Prior to eclipse, the winds are supersonic in all directions away from the subsolar point. In eclipse, the atmosphere collapses and the day-to-night pressure gradient is weakened such that the flow becomes subsonic. Only ~1 hour post-eclipse, the circumplanetary flow pattern has re-established itself.|1PXKIiap2ZY
Temperature of the SO2 frost solid as a function of depth. Outside of eclipse, the atmosphere exhibits a retrograde rotation; however, in eclipse the rotation direction reverses and becomes prograde. This reversal is due to the depth-integrated energy content stored in the solid.|nbgi5MDB5Co

Io has one of the most dynamic atmospheres in the solar system due in part to an orbital resonance with Europa and Ganymede that causes intense tidal heating and volcanism. The volcanism serves to create a myriad of volcanic plumes across Io’s surface that sustain temporally varying local atmospheres. The plumes primarily eject sulfur dioxide (SO2) that condenses on Io’s surface during the relatively cold night. During the day, insolation warms the surface to temperatures where a global partially collisional atmosphere can be sustained by sublimation from SO2 surface frosts. Both the volcanic and sublimation atmospheres serve as the source for the Jovian plasma torus which flows past Io at ~57 km/s. The high energy ions and electrons in the Jovian plasma torus interact with Io’s atmosphere causing atmospheric heating, chemical reactions, as well as altering the circumplanetary winds. Energetic ions which impact the surface can sputter material and create a partially collisional atmosphere. Simulations suggest that energetic ions from the Jovian plasma cannot penetrate to the surface when the atmospheric column density is greater than 1015 cm−2. These three mechanisms for atmospheric support (volcanic, sublimation, and sputtering) all play a role in supporting Io’s atmosphere but their relative contributions remain unclear.

In the present work, the Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is used to simulate the interaction of Io’s atmosphere with the Jovian plasma torus and the results are compared to observations. These comparisons help constrain the relative contributions of atmospheric support as well as highlight the most important physics in Io’s atmosphere.  These rarefied gas dynamics simulations improve upon earlier models by using a three-dimensional domain encompassing the entire planet computed in parallel. The effects of plasma heating, planetary rotation, inhomogeneous surface frost, molecular residence time of SO2 on the exposed non-frost surface, and surface temperature distribution are investigated.


Atmosphere never reaches steady state during eclipse. Outside of eclipse, a high translational temperature region exists at the dawn terminator due to circumplanetary flow creating a non-equilibrium region.|CejwagTkUiE
Snapshots of Io’s atmosphere at ~20 minute intervals starting ~2.5 hours prior to eclipse. Prior to eclipse, the atmosphere is in a quasi-steady. The only exception is the dawn atmospheric enhancement. In eclipse, the atmosphere collapses rather slowly due to the high thermal inertia of the SO2 surface frost. The temperature drops ~5 K over 2 hours and corresponds to a column density reduction of ~20x. After eclipse, there is a blow-off of material that adsorbed to the cooler eclipse surface.|NTJZ0bDhsrw
Atmosphere never reaches steady state during eclipse. Dawn atmospheric enhancement appears just before eclipse, disappears during eclipse, and is further enlarged after eclipse.|rMgqrvb__9M
A snapshot of SO2 column density for a subsolar longitude of 180 degrees W. The SO2 column density peaks near the subsolar point and falls off exponentially toward the terminator. Inhomogeneities in the SO2 column density due to the underlying SO2 surface frost fraction are more visible on the nightside where the surface temperature is nearly constant.|Ma-hndQ2IEI
A snapshot of the circumplanetary winds caused by the day-to-night pressure gradient. Color contours show the Mach number which peak near the terminator while streamtraces indicate the direction of the winds.|D2KCJUgNIF0

Modeling Volcanic Plumes on Jupiter’s Moon Io

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Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system, and its volcanic plumes rise hundreds of kilometers above the surface.  They rise far above the atmosphere, and I model this plume expansion into a near-vacuum with Direct Simulation Monte Carlo.  I simulate Pele, one of the largest plumes, in 3D using observations of the caldera to guide my choice of source geometry.  My goal is to explain the physics behind the deposition pattern and plume structure seen in observations. I also simulate plumes alongside other features of Io’s environment, like its sublimation atmosphere and Jupiter’s plasma torus, to understand how plumes fit into the big picture.


360 degree view of the inside of the plume from every angle. Vent irregularity produces strange behavior in the gas and dust flow-fields.|KZ-imQTEkng
360 degree view of the inside of the plume from every angle. Vent irregularity produces strange behavior in the gas and dust flow-fields.|nQx7OEU9-wc
Starts at ground level and moves up through the plume, showing the asymmetry of the gas flow-field. An oblique shock forms and propogates to the left as altitude increases under the canopy.|v1PFqedSBqE

Modeling the Plumes on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus

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The Cassini spacecraft first detected a plume near the warm south pole of the Saturnian moon Enceladus in 2005. The discovery of the plume not only helped to explain some phenomena that have been puzzling scientists for a long time but also brought about the exciting possibility of finding liquid water on Enceladus, making it a possibly favorable environment for life. Therefore, more flybys have been made over the moon and have yielded spectacular images, details of the plume structure and composition, as well as the possible locations of the plume sources. Observations found that the plume is composed of gas (mostly water vapor) with tiny entrained ice particles. Based on the images and data from Cassini, we construct a hybrid model of the plume. Our model divides the plume into two regimes: the collisional flow in the near-source region and the collisionless flow in the far-field region. The direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is used to simulate the collisional gas flow in the near-source region as the gas has only begun to expand and is therefore, still relatively dense and warm. Once the flow becomes collisionless further out, the DSMC output is fed into a computationally less expensive free-molecular model to propagate the flow further into the far field. The simulation results are directly compared to the in-situ measurements made by Cassini. Our objective is to attempt to deduce the nature of the plume sources and hopefully, answer the question of whether there is liquid water on Enceladus.


Cassivi Flyby.|ibGJR2tYf-I

Simulation of Rocket Plume Impingement and Dust Dispersal on the Lunar Surface

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When a rocket lands on the Moon the engine exhaust plume will strike the lunar surface and disturb and disperse dust and larger debris. For any pre-existing structures (or residents) that plume of particulate ejecta represents a significant safety hazard. The scattered particles may penetrate weak surfaces, get stuck in mechanical systems, or coat solar panels, thermal radiators or optical systems. Such debris/dust may be difficult or impossible to clear from surfaces because of electrostatic attractions and the highly adhesive properties of lunar soil.  The dust also abrades optical surfaces and space suits, gets into joints, damages seals, and was considered by astronauts John Young and Gene Cernan to be among the most important obstacles to normal lunar operations. Moreover, since there is negligible background atmosphere on the moon, the range of particulate trajectories is very large. Knowledge of the high velocity dust spray will be necessary when making engineering design decisions.  However, it is difficult to examine this experimentally because of the difficulties associated with firing rocket engines into a dust bed while maintaining vacuum in a low gravity environment. Therefore, we examine this problem using the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method.

The main objective of this work is to model and characterize the dust sprays that arise during various lunar landing scenarios.  The specific landing scenarios modeled in this work include: axisymmetric hover, landing on an inclined surface, and multiple nozzle configurations.  We parametrically study the effects that the hovering altitude and engine thrust have on the erosion profiles and the resulting dust sprays.  In a multiple engine configuration, we examine the plume-plume interactions and the effects that it has on trenching and dust spray behavior. In addition, high velocity dust sprays are likely unavoidable and can be detrimental to sensitive structures at a nearby lunar outpost.  Various mitigation techniques, such as a fence, have been proposed to shield nearby structures from the dust spray.  To assess the effectiveness of such a fence, the interaction between the high velocity dust spray with the fence is also studied.  To accomplish these tasks, we first model the plume flow field using a hybrid continuum–DSMC solver that is computationally efficient in the continuum near field and also accurate as the flow transitions towards rarefied and free molecular flow.  The surface stresses are computed and used to determine the dust erosion rate.  A two–phase flow model is then used to determine the trajectories of the entrained dust grains.  Once entrained into the flow, the effects of dust particle collisions are also studied.  This work will aid in the design of future lunar landers by describing how the dust sprays respond for different weight landers and engine configurations.  The high velocity dust sprays may be unavoidable without a pre-established landing platform.  Mitigation structures, such as a fence or berm, may be necessary to protect any establishments on the moon.  Our models can aid in the design of such a fence by predicting the impingement stresses and how the dust spray will respond.


A rocket engine hovering at an altitude of 5m impinges on the surface and entrains loose regolith. This polydisperse two-phase spray then interacts with a 1m tall protective barrier that is placed 15m from the lander. This animation shows 2 (top) and 11 (bottom) micron particles that are colored by their horizontal velocity and overlaid on the background gas velocity.|_VM0SxL2Sv0


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In 2009, the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) impacted the Moon to determine the existence of water ice in permanently shadowed lunar craters. The upper stage of the satellite struck the Cabeus crater near the lunar south pole, creating a large plume. The satellite flew through that plume collecting data before striking the Moon as well. Here at UT we are modeling the impact using a free molecular dynamics code to model the evolution of the plume. The code tracks the lunar ice covered regolith grains as they undergo radiative heat transfer and sublimate their water in the sunlight. Ionization and photo-dissociation of the water is also modeled, as well as “thermal hopping” due to adsorbtion and re-emission from the lunar surface. The spectral radiance of the plume as detected by the SSC as it descended is computed by using a single-scattering approximation.

Current work includes modeling additional physics of the regolith grains, incorporating separate pure regolith and pure ice species, adding dirty ice grains with variable ice to regolith ratios, modeling plume opacity as a function of wavelength, and generating spectra along lines of sight. These improvements will allow us to better understand the properties of the ice and dust particles and their interactions within the plume. This knowledge will help to assess conditions within permanently shadowed regions on the Moon.

Simulation of the impact, regolith grains represented as black dots, water molecules represented as orange dots, OH molecules represented as purple triangles, and the SSC as a red sphere.|WoFGb3wqiuE

PAPER II Submitted to Phys. of Fluids

Stephani, K., Goldstein, D., and Varghese, P., PAPER II Submitted to Phys. of Fluids.

Generation of a Hybrid DSMC/Navier-Stokes Solution via a Surface Reservoir Approach

Stephani, K., Goldstein, D., and Varghese, P., “Generation of a Hybrid DSMC/Navier-Stokes Solution via a Surface Reservoir Approach” to appear in J. Comp. Phys..

Sensitivity analysis for DSMC simulations of high-temperature air chemistry

Strand, J. and Goldstein, D. “Sensitivity analysis for DSMC simulations of high-temperature air chemistry,” submitted to J. Comp. Phys..

Unsteady flows in Io’s atmosphere caused by condensation and sublimation during and after eclipse: Numerical study based on a model Boltzmann equation

Kosuge, S., Aoki, K., Inoue, T., Goldstein, D. Varghese, P., “Unsteady flows in Io’s atmosphere caused by condensation and sublimation during and after eclipse: Numerical study based on a model Boltzmann equation”, submitted to Icarus.