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Current Postdocs

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Current Ph.D. Students

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Current Masters Students

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PhD Alumni

Engblom, William, PhD, “Numerical Investigation of Hypersonic Flow Over a Forward-Facing Cavity,” Summer 1996.

Roveda, Roberto,  PhD, “A Combined Discrete Velocity/Particle Based Numerical Approach for Continuum/Rarefied Flows,” Summer 2000.

Silton, Sidra, PhD, “Ablation Onset in Unsteady Hypersonic Flow About Nose-Tips with A Forward-Facing Cavity,” Spring 2001.

Zhang, Ju, PhD, “Simulation of Gas Dynamics, Radiation, and Particulates in Volcanic Plumes on Io,” Spring 2004.

Lee, Conrad, Y., PhD, “Direct Numerical Simulation of Microjets for Turbulent Boundary Layer Control,” Summer 2004.

Stewart, Benedicte, PhD,  “ Numerical Simulations of the Flow Produced by a Comet Impact on the Moon and its Effects on Ice Deposition in Cold Traps,” Spring, 2010.

Moore, Chris H. PhD,  “Monte Carlo simulation of the Jovian plasma interaction with Io’s atmosphere and the resultant aurora during eclipse’’ Summer, 2011.

Stephani, Kelly, PhD, “Development of a Hybrid DSMC/CFD Method for Hypersonic Boundary Layer Flow Over Discrete Surface Roughness’’, Spring 2012.

Walker, Andrew, PhD, “ A Comprehensive Numerical Model of Io’s Chemically-Reacting Sublimation-Driven Atmosphere and its Interaction with the Jovian Plasma Torus”, Spring, 2012.

Strand, James, PhD, “Sensitivity Analysis and Calibration of DSMC Input Parameters,” Spring, 2012.

Morris, Aaron, PhD, “Simulation of Rocket Plume Impingement and Dust Dispersal on the Lunar Surface”, Fall 2012.

M.S. Alumni

Silton, Sidra, MS, “A Combined Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Forward-Facing Cavity for the Reduction of Nose Tip Ablation of a Hypersonic Projectile,” Fall 1997

Young, David, MS, “A Computational Study of Unsteady Hypersonic Segmented Projectile Aerodynamics,” Fall 1999

Shim, Jeong Yeon, MS, “The Numerical Study of the Temporal Evolution of the Lunar Exosphere,” Summer 2001

Larignon, Benedicte, MS, “Numerical Simulations of the Compressible Flow between Concentric Cylinders using an External Force Field in a Pseudo-spectral Code,” Spring 2004.

Colmenero, Gerardo, MS, “Turbulent Boundary Layer Control with Discrete Actuators Using Wall Information,” Fall 2004.

Marr, Kevin, MS, “Drag Reduction on a Flat Plate by Trapping Bubbles on the Surface,” Summer, 2005

Stephani, Kelly, MS, “Drag Reduction Using Trapped Bubbles on a Submerged Flat Plate Surface,” Fall 2006

Strand, James, MS, “DNS of Surface Textures to Control the Growth of Turbulent Spots,” Fall 2007

Morris, Aaron, MS,  “Investigation of a Discrete Velocity Monte Carlo Boltzmann Equation”, Spring 2009

Doolittle, Charles, MS, “Near-field flow structures and transient growth due to subcritical surface roughness,” Spring, 2010.

Hegermiller, David, MS,  “A New Method to Incorporate Internal Energy in the Context of a Discrete Velocity Monte Carlo Boltzmann Equation Solver’’ Summer, 2011.

Drews, Scott, MS, “Direct Numerical Simulations of Flow Past Quasi-Random Distributes Roughness,” Spring, 2012.

Recent Undergraduate Researchers

Newman, Clark, paid Undergraduate Research Assistant, modeling free molecular gas flow on the Moon, 2005.

Jackson, Matthew, paid Undergraduate Research Assistant, simulations of turbulent boundary layers, 2005-2006.

McCarty, Travis, paid Undergraduate Research Assistant, commercialization of bubble coatings, 2005-2006.

Albright, Javan M., paid Undergraduate Research Assistant, simulations of turbulent boundary layers, 2006-2007.

Summy, Dustin, paid Undergraduate Research Assistant, simulations of lunar impacts,  2008-10

Hanna, Ben, paid Undergraduate Research Assistant, “Simulations of plumes on Enceladus,” 2008-9

Kizer, Justin, paid Undergraduate Research Assistant, “Simulations of plumes on Enceladus,” 2009

Chapman, Todd, paid Undergraduate Research Assistant, “Simulations of plumes on Enceladus,” 2010-2011

Asturias, Daniel, paid Undergraduate Research Assistant, “Simulations of LCROSS impact on the Moon,” 2011-

Kalb, Michael, paid Undergraduate Research Assistant, “Simulations of sputtered atmosphere  on Europa,” 2010

Ellis, Josh, HS student RA, “Simulations of LADEE plume impacts on the Moon,’’ Summer 2011

Knerr, Nathan, paid Undergraduate Research Assistant, “Simulations of plume impingement on the Moon,” 2012