Trafton, L., Moore, C., Goldstein, D. Varghese, P. “HST/STIS Observations of Io’s Emission Spectrum in Jupiter Shadow: Probing Io’s Jupiter-facing eclipse Atmosphere” Icarus 2012, 220(2) 1121-1140.
Trafton, L., Moore, C., Goldstein, D. Varghese, P. “HST/STIS Observations of Io’s Emission Spectrum in Jupiter Shadow: Probing Io’s Jupiter-facing eclipse Atmosphere” Icarus 2012, 220(2) 1121-1140.
Stewart, B., Pierazzo, E., Goldstein, D., Varghese, P. and Trafton, L., “Simulation of a comet impact on the Moon and associated ice deposition in polar cold traps,” Icarus, v. 215, Issue 1, Sept. 2011, pp. 1-16.
Morris, A., Varghese, P., Goldstein, D. “Monte Carlo Solution of the Boltzmann Equation Via a Discrete Velocity Model.” J. Computational Physics, 230, #4, Feb. 2011.
Strand, J., Goldstein, D., “Direct numerical simulations of riblets to constrain the growth of turbulent spots,” J. Fluid Mechanics, 668, Feb. 2011, pp. 267-292, DOI: 10.1017/S0022112010005033.
Colaprete, A., Schultz, P., Heldman, J., Shirley, M., Ennico, K., Hermalyn, B., Wooden, D., Marshall, W., Ricco, A., Elphic, R., Goldstein, D., Summy, D., Bart, G., Asphaug, E., Korycansky, D., Landis, D., Sollit, L. “The detection of water within the LCROSS ejecta plume”. Science, 330, Oct. 22, 2010, pp 463-468.
Doolittle, C., Goldstein, D. “Parametric Study of Roughness Induced Transient Growth”. In prep. AIAA J, Aug., 2010
Doolittle, C. J. and Goldstein, D., “Near-Field Flow Structures and Transient Growth Due to Subcritical Surface Roughness,” submitted to AIAA J., July, 2010.
McDoniel, W., Buchta, D., Goldstein, D., Kieffer, S., Varghese, P., Trafton, L., Freund, J., “Simulating Irregular Source Geometries for Ionian Plumes,” Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 27th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 2010, Pacific Grove, CA, July 2010. Ed. D. Levin, I. Wysong & A. Garcia, AIP Vol. 1333, 2011.
Deng, H., Moore, C., Levin, D. Goldstein, D. and Varghese, P., “Analysis of SO2+O chemistry models for the simulations of the atmosphere of Io,” Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 27th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 2010, Pacific Grove, CA, July 2010. Ed. D. Levin, I. Wysong & A. Garcia, AIP Vol. 1333, 2011.
Morris, A., Varghese, P., Goldstein, D. “Variance Reduction for a Discrete Velocity Gas”. Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 27th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 2010, Pacific Grove, CA, July 2010. Ed. D. Levin, I. Wysong & A. Garcia, AIP Vol. 1333, 2011.