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Refereed Conference Proceedings

Yeoh, S., Kizer, J., Goldstein, D.B., Varghese, P. and Trafton, L., “Modeling the Gas/Particle Plume of Enceladus,” poster and abstract 2635 at the 41st Lunar and Planetary Sciences Conference, Houston TX, March 2010, p. 2635.

Miki, K., Panesi, M., Prudencio, E. E., Maurente, A., Cheung, S. -H., Jagodzinski, J., Goldstein, D., Prudhomme, S., Schulz, K., Simmons, C. Strand, J., and Varghese, P., “On the (In)Validation of a Thermochemical Model with EAST Shock Tube Radiation Measurements,” Paper AIAA 2010-1557, 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, Florida, January 4-7, 2010

Chu, J., Strand, J. and Goldstein, D., “Investigation of turbulent spot spreading mechanism,” paper 2010-0716 48th AIAA ASM Mtg., Orlando, Jan. 2010.

Strand, J  and Goldstein. D., “DNS of Surface Textures to Control the Growth of Turbulent Spots,” AIAA paper 2010-915, 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 4-7 January 2010, Orlando, FL.

Retherford, K. and the LRO/LAMP Team ,”LCROSS gas plume simulations for LAMP observations,” Presented at the LRO PSWG Mtg., Sept. 10, 2009.

Stewart, B.,  Pierazzo, E., Goldstein, D., Varghese, P.,  and Trafton, L., “Parallel 3D Hybrid Continuum/DSMC Method for Unsteady Expansions into a Vacuum,” paper 2009-0266 AIAA ASM Mtg., Orlando, 2009.

Engblom, W. and Goldstein, D. “Acoustic Analogy for Oscillations Induced by Supersonic Flow over a Forward-Facing Nose Cavity,” paper 2009-0384 AIAA ASM Mtg., Orlando, 2009.

Stephani, K. and Goldstein, D., “DNS Study of Transient Disturbance Growth and Bypass Transition Due to Realistic Roughness,” paper 2009-0586 AIAA ASM Mtg., Orlando, 2009.

Goldstein, D. “Using Immersed Boundaries to Examine Turbulent Boundary Layer Control and Laminar to Turbulent Transition,” Invited talk at the AIAA ASM Mtg., Orlando, 2009.

Mcdoniel, W., Goldstein, D., Varghese, P. and Trafton, L.”DSMC modeling of an irregular vent geometry for Ionian plumes” poster and abstract 2223 at the 40th Lunar and Planetary Sciences Conference, Houston TX, March 2009.