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Publications by Date

Goldstein, D. B. and Tuan, T-C, “Secondary flow induced by riblets,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 363, pp. 115-151, 1998.

Roveda, R., Goldstein, D. B. and Varghese, P., “A Hybrid Euler/DSMC Approach for Continuum/Rarefied Flows,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 258-265, May-June 1998.

Silton, S. and Goldstein, D. B., “Numerical and Experimental Investigation of the Reduction of Hypersonic Nose Tip Ablation,” AIAA Paper 98-0169,  36th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 1998.

Roveda, R., Goldstein, D. B. and Varghese, P., “Unsteady Calculation of Slit Flow with a 2-D Hybrid Euler/DSMC Numerical Approach,” AIAA Paper 98-0852,  36th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 1998.

Engblom, W., Goldstein, D. B., Ladoon, D. and Schneider, S., “Fluid Dynamics of Hypersonic Forward-Facing Cavity Flow,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 437-444, July-Aug. 1997.

Austin, J. V. and Goldstein, D. B., “Direct Numerical Simulation of Circumplanetary Driven Winds on Io,” 29th Annual Meeting of the AAS-DPS, in BAAS, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 1004, July 1997.

Roveda, R., Goldstein, D. and Varghese, P., “A Combined Discrete Velocity/Particle Based Numerical Approach for Continuum/Rarefied Flows,” AIAA Paper 97-1006, 35th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno NV, 1997.

Silton, S. and Goldstein, D., “A Preliminary Investigation of Cold Gas Injection into a Forward-Facing Cavity in Hypersonic Flow,” AIAA Paper 97-0705, 35th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno NV,  January 1997.

Engblom, W. and Goldstein, D. B., “Nose-Tip Surface Heat Reduction Mechanism,” Journal Thermophysics & Heat Transfer, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 598-606, October-December 1996.

Austin, J. V. and Goldstein, D. B., “Direct Numerical Simulation of Pluto’s Extended Atmosphere,” 28th Annual Meeting of the AAS-DPS, in  BAAS, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 1079, Sept. 1996.