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Publications by Date

Goldstein, D., Summy, D., Colaprete, A.,Varghese, P., and Trafton, L., “Parametric study of vapor and dust dynamics due to the impact of the LCROSS spacecraft on the Moon,” BAAS vol. 40, no. 3, #09.06, AAS-DPS Mtg., Ithaca NY, Oct. 2008.

Moore, C., Goldstein, D., Varghese, P., Trafton, L., Stewart, B. and Walker, A., “Io’s Atmospheric Collapse Dynamics During and After Eclipse in the Presence of a Non-Condensable Species”, BAAS vol. 40, no. 3, #44.07,  AAS-DPS Mtg., Ithaca, NY, Oct. 2008.

Walker, A., Gratiy, S., Levin, D., Goldstein, D., Varghese, P., Trafton, L., “Modeling the Sublimation Atmosphere on Io,” BAAS vol. 40, no. 3, #44.06,  AAS-DPS Mtg., Ithaca, NY, Oct. 2008.

Gratiy, S. L., Walker, A. C., Levin, D. A., Goldstein, D. B., Varghese, P. L., Trafton, L., and Larignon, B. D. “Modeling of SO2 IR Radiation in 19 mm from the Sublimation Atmosphere of Io,” Poster 9013, Planetary Atmospheres Workshop, Baltimore, MD, Nov. 7, 2007.

Larignon, B. L., Pierazzo, E., Goldstein, D. B., Varghese, P. L. and Trafton, L. “Direct Numerical Simulation of Comet Impacts and Low-Density Atmospheric Flow on the Moon,” Poster 9064, Planetary Atmospheres Workshop, Baltimore, MD, Nov. 7, 2007.

Stephani, K. and Goldstein, D., “The effects of trapped bubbles on viscous drag reduction for submerged surfaces,” AIAA paper 2007-4101, Fluid  Dynamics Mtg., Miami, June  2007.

Strand, J. and Goldstein, D., “On the use of riblets to delay the late stages of laminar to turbulent boundary layer transition,” AIAA paper 2007-1312, Aerospace  Sci. Mtg., Reno, 2007.

Goldstein, D., B., Stern, S. A., Crider, D. H., Gladstone, G. R., Durda, D., D., Asphaug, E., Larignon, B., Varghese, P. L., and Trafton, L. M., “Free molecular simulations of vapor dynamics following a lunar impact,” in Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, ed., M. Ivanov & A. Rebrov, Publishing House of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 2007.

Larignon, B. L., Pierazzo, E., Goldstein, D. B., Varghese, P. L. and Trafton, L. “Simulation of Low Density Atmospheric Flow on the Moon Following a Comet Impact,” poster and abstract 2121 at the 38th Lunar and Planetary Sciences Conference, Houston TX, March 2007.

Stephani, K., Marr, K., Doctor, R. and Goldstein, D., “Coating a submerged surface with bubbles to reduce the viscous drag,” AIAA  paper 2006-3193, 3rd AIAA Flow Control Conf., San Francisco, June, 2006.