Strand, J., Goldstein, D., “Direct numerical simulations of riblets to constrain the growth of turbulent spots,” J. Fluid Mechanics, 668, Feb. 2011, pp. 267-292, DOI: 10.1017/S0022112010005033.
Strand, J., Goldstein, D., “Direct numerical simulations of riblets to constrain the growth of turbulent spots,” J. Fluid Mechanics, 668, Feb. 2011, pp. 267-292, DOI: 10.1017/S0022112010005033.
Strand, J. and Goldstein, D. “Sensitivity Analysis for DSMC Simulations of High- Temperature Air Chemistry,” AIAA paper 2011-0535 presented at the AIAA ASM, Orlando, Jan. 2011.
Stephani, K., Goldstein, D., and Varghese, P., “Development of a Hybrid DSMC/Navier-Stokes Solver with Application to the STS-119 Boundary Layer Transition Flight Experiments” AIAA paper 2011-0534 presented at the AIAA ASM, Orlando, Jan. 2011.
Drews, S., Downs, R., Doolittle, C., Goldstein, D., and White, E. “Direct numerical simulations of flow past random distributed roughness,” AIAA paper 2011-0564 presented at the AIAA ASM, Orlando, Jan. 2011.
McDoniel,W., Goldstein, D., Varghese, P., Trafton, L., “DSMC Simulations of Irregular Source Geometries for Io’s Pele Plume” talk and abstract presented at the 42nd AAS-DPS Mtg., Pasadena, Oct. 2010.
Walker, A., Goldstein, D., Varghese, P., Trafton, L. and Moore, C., “Parametric study of Ionian thermal parameters,” poster and abstract presented at the 42nd AAS-DPS Mtg., Pasadena, Oct. 2010.
Yeoh, S., Chapman, T., Goldstein, D., Varghese, P., and Trafton, L., “Hybrid simulation of the gas/particle plume of Enceladus,” poster and abstract at the 42nd AAS-DPS Mtg., Pasadena CA, Oct. 2010.
Moore, C.H., Deng, H., Goldstein, D., Levin, D., Varghese, P.L., Trafton, L.M., Walker, A.C., Stewart, B.D. “Impact of Plasma Chemistry on Io’s Atmosphere,” Talk 32.04, 42nd annual meeting of the Division of Planetary Sciences of the American Astronomical Society, Oct. 2010.
Colaprete, A., Schultz, P., Heldman, J., Shirley, M., Ennico, K., Hermalyn, B., Wooden, D., Marshall, W., Ricco, A., Elphic, R., Goldstein, D., Summy, D., Bart, G., Asphaug, E., Korycansky, D., Landis, D., Sollit, L. “The detection of water within the LCROSS ejecta plume”. Science, 330, Oct. 22, 2010, pp 463-468.
Doolittle, C., Goldstein, D. “Parametric Study of Roughness Induced Transient Growth”. In prep. AIAA J, Aug., 2010